Local Businesses can now Access Much-Needed Software Developers & Precision Manufacturing Workers
35 graduates have acquired skills that meet hiring needs of local companies
[San Luis Obispo, October 28 2019] With the Fullstack Software Developer and ‘Ticket into Precision Manufacturing’ classes now complete, local business can now access much-needed candidates. There’s a particular need for both software developers and skilled manufacturing workers in SLO County. Tech jobs have increased 20 per cent in the last five years, due in large part to the bustling startup scene and larger tech firms moving into the area like Amazon. Furthermore, according to a report by the Public Policy Institute of California, the state will face a middle-skilled worker shortfall of 1.1 million that will affect all of its industries by 2030, demonstrating a clear need for training opportunities and programs in sectors like manufacturing.
14 Graduates of the local ‘Ticket into Tech’ Fullstack Academy Software Developers program have been trained as front end, back end, database and mobile app developers. They have completed immersive, full-stack Javascript web development training using the NERDS stack (Node.js, Express, React, Databases using SQL). Eight graduates are ready to hire. 21 Graduates of the ‘Ticket into Precision Manufacturing’ program have also completed training in skills such as blueprint reading, precision measuring tools, lean manufacturing principles, full lifecycle of production and assembly of a precision manufacturing project. 12 are already employed and nine are ready to hire.
SLO Partners’ modern apprenticeship programs have become a valuable resource for growing, innovative employers on the Central Coast looking for smart, humble and hungry candidates who want long-term, local career paths. The programs provide businesses with access to vetted candidates who are screened for attitude and trained for aptitude, with minimal upfront time and investment.
Paula Mathias Fryer, Program Director at SLO Partners said: “Accessing skilled workers is a challenge many businesses in SLO County face, particularly with the current low unemployment rate.
“We worked with major companies in the area, such as Trust Automation and SoCreate to ensure our curriculums would provide students with skills currently in demand by local businesses. We also have a multi-step screening process to ensure candidates are mission driven, have strong technical aptitude, soft skills and want to stay local.”
Companies interested in interviewing the Bootcamp graduates can contact Paula Mathias Fryer, Program Director at SLO Partners at info@slopartners.org.
About Ticket into Tech
Ticket into Tech, created by SLO Partners in 2017, aims at creating 1,000 new head-of-household careers in the technology industry in the San Luis Obispo region. With our mantra, “Screen for Attitude, Train for
Aptitude,” we take a proven apprenticeship model, that pairs leading-edge classes with on-the-job training, and turn passion into a fulfilling career.
About Ticket into Precision Manufacturing
SLO Partners’ Ticket Into Precision Manufacturing apprenticeship program is designed to help hands-on problem solvers enter a new career path through an accelerated training bootcamp, connections to growing companies, and post-hire support.
About SLO Partners
SLO Partners’ mission is to engage business partners and educators in aligning workforce needs with career and college pathways that provide work experience opportunities to ensure that students have the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the workplace and businesses have the skilled workers required for a sound growing economy. SLO Partners was formed in 2014 as an initiative of the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education to address college and career readiness among the county’s student population.