Top coding bootcamp in the country launches campus in SLO County

Seven scholarships are available to SLO county residents looking to secure head-of-household careers


[San Luis Obispo, May 24, 2018] Ticket into Tech, created by SLO Partners in 2017, has partnered with Fullstack Academy, the top ranked coding bootcamp in the United States, to ramp up its offering for 2018.

After a hugely successful first year, Ticket into Tech’s unique approach of combining leading-edge education with on-the-job training caught the attention of Fullstack Academy, which decided to create a campus in SLO, in addition to its New York and Chicago locations. Together they are launching a 17-week coding bootcamp for 7% of the cost of a college degree1. Seven scholarships (three full and four half), are being offered to SLO County residents.

The job market in SLO is challenging. Much of the workforce is ‘underemployed’ and the county was recently ranked the sixth most unaffordable place to live in the United States2. Given the current landscape, the Ticket into Tech program could prove to be an attractive offering to locals who would like gain training for head-of-household careers that are currently in demand by local employers.

Tech jobs in SLO have increased 20 per cent in last five years according to California Center for Jobs and the Economy, due in large part to the bustling startup scene and larger tech firms moving into the area like Amazon. With a high percentage of Cal Poly Computer Science graduates moving to Silicon Valley to accept job offers, local tech firms have found it challenging to source local high-skilled workers. Ticket into Tech is the latest in a series of efforts to support startups and technology businesses in SLO, which many believe will be key in combating the annual $1billion loss to the economy when Diablo Canyon closes. The Ticket into Tech coursework is constantly updated to meet the needs of the technology industry, taking into account input from top employers, such as Amazon and Google, to ensure students are gaining the skills and experience companies are looking for.

Graduates of Fullstack Academy, which has a rating of 4.89 out of five stars on Course Report (the Yelp of student bootcamps), have been hired by the likes of Amazon, Google and Facebook. The coding bootcamp in SLO will be paired with one year of paid on-the-job training through apprenticeship. The average salary for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp graduates is $80K a year.

Ticket into Tech is running five bootcamps this summer (all the bootcamps are followed up with one year of on-the-job training through apprenticeship):

● IT Generalist (8 weeks): Cost – free with starting wage of $15 per hour in apprenticeship

● IT Specialist (8 weeks): Cost – free with starting wage of $15 per hour in apprenticeship

● Software Test Technician (8 weeks): Cost – free with starting wage of $15 per hour in apprenticeship

● Fullstack Academy Software Engineering Immersive (17 weeks): Cost – $17,610 (financing available from $400 per month (average salary for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp graduates is $80K a year)

● Fullstack Academy Automated Software Testing Engineer (17 weeks): Cost – $17,610 (financing available from $400 per month (average salary for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp graduates is $80K a year)

With maximum class sizes of 30, places are limited. To start the application process, students need to complete a free 10-hour, self-paced class to prepare for the online entry exam for the pre-apprenticeship programs, which start in July 2018. Students who pass and are accepted will then start their apprenticeship in fall 2018 followed by one year of paid on-the-job training, from fall 2018 through winter 2019. After completing their training, students will receive support in securing a career with a local company. Local computer science professionals will additionally be available for mentorship, coaching and support during the programs.

Students can apply at:

Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham says: “The Ticket into Tech program is an incredible example of a Career-Technical Education program that can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds. These apprentices are gaining skills that will put them into head-of-household jobs that are available here on the Central Coast. This is a tremendous benefit to our economy and I’m very proud this is coming out of the 35th District.”

Michael Manchak, CEO of Economic Vitality Corporation says: “Ticket into Tech through the SLO County Office of Education’s SLO Partners program is a world-class resource making big impacts in training and certifying people who want careers in tech. Along with on-the-job-training and opening doors for apprenticeships, these programs are addressing one of the most vexing challenges for businesses – that is the availability of skilled workers to grow companies and jobs. We are proud to be a founding partner and see people’s careers blossom.”

An apprentice at Amazon says: “Ticket into Tech taught me skills that have proven to be invaluable in the apprenticeship position they placed me in. The learning has continued each day of my on the job training, and I feel confident that I am now on the right path toward achieving personal success in a career that I truly enjoy. I couldn’t ask for a more fulfilling and rewarding workplace experience.”

Brian Weiss, CEO of ITECH Solutions says: “Ticket into Tech is a great way to find local talent for ITECH Solutions. The course material is spot on with the skills we are looking for and helps ensure candidates are trained for aptitude and screened for attitude!”

Amy Kardel, Co-Founder of Clever Ducks says: “In our experience at Clever Ducks, starting four interns at once was the same amount of administrative effort as starting one. Our journeymen taught them as a class, not individually. That efficient start also had another benefit, the apprentices formed a cohort and supported each other on journey.”

Michael Specchierla, Executive Director at SLO Partners says: “18 local companies have embraced Apprenticeship as a way to hire skilled local talent that can keep pace with the rapid changes in technology. SLO community understands the power of learn by doing through apprenticeship. We want to expand apprenticeship in SLO to create future careers locally grown.”


Notes to editors

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Lindsey McConaghy at (805 471-0165) or

About Ticket into Tech

Ticket into Tech, created by SLO Partners in 2017, aims at creating 1,000 new head-of-household careers in the technology industry in the San Luis Obispo region. With our mantra, “Screen for Attitude, Train for Aptitude,” we take a proven apprenticeship model, that pairs leading-edge classes with on-the-job training, and turn passion into a fulfilling career.

Financing for the Fullstack bootcamps is available through FullstackAcademy.Skills.Fund.

About SLO Partners

SLO Partners was formed under the aegis of the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education in 2014 to address college and career readiness among the county’s student population. SLO Partners’ mission is to engage business partners and educators in aligning workforce needs with career and college pathways and provide work experience opportunities to ensure that students have the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the workplace and businesses have the skilled workers required for a sound growing economy. SLO Partners is committed to collaborating with local businesses and education for pathways to opportunity and skilled local talent.